5 lessons to a (more) confident you - FREE course

Getting unstuck and back on track - one step at a time

This course is for you if:

  • You feel stuck and maybe even uninspired
  •  You recognise that fear of failure or fear of rejection mean you don't put yourself out there
  • You're struggling with stress or anxiety
  • You're constantly feeling 'not good enough'
  •  You know life must be more than what it is at the moment 
  •  You're tired of compromising or settling for second bests
  •  You have great ideas you'd love to execute but don't know where to start You're tired of not achieving

Course Summary

From the work I do with my clients, I know that the 5 'lessons' in this course are some of the top challenges people everywhere are facing each and every day.
There are 5 modules in this course:

- Understanding we all have a negative self talk that is holding us back from having the life that you want
- Being introduced to the voice that knows where you've been and how to get to where you want to
- Is procrastination your biggest problem right now? Find out what it's all about and what you can do, instead
- What make us compare ourselves to others so much? Why do we then find ourselves to be not good enough?
- If you're struggling with anxiety and stress, these are some ideas you'd want to ask yourself about
- What is it about our ego that gets us into so much trouble? What about our attachments to things, ideas, people and outcomes?

Watch these 5 videos to get inspiration back into your life. Whatever you are going through in your life right now, these words will resonate and inspire you to take action (of the kind that makes sense to you).

Course Curriculum

In this online course, you’ll work through the following modules:

2 voices: one that knows, one that holds you back

Procrastination is not about being lazy

Comparing ourselves to others

What you need to know about your anxiety and stress

 In this module, we learn to recognise the voice that guides us to operate from our strengths and powers, and another voice that blocks these attempts with words of fear and worries. When we learn to recognise the lies, we can start living the life we always knew was possible for us, but didn't know what was stopping us from achieving it!

People all over the world are telling themselves that they are lazy. The truth is that 9 times out of 10, it's not laziness, just being asked to do something before we are fully onboard doing it. It's about fears: of failure, of rejection, or more probably, of success...

 In this module we learn why comparing doesn't work and why we have more strengths, talents and powers than we allow ourselves to recognise. We learn why going inwards and recognising our good points is the only thing to write home about, because we are always, always, in the right place at the right time, as long as we bring our authentic selves to the job at hand!

In this module, we explore what makes your anxiety a repeated guest at the table and what you can do instead to let it know it is no longer welcome. It's about understanding what got it started, what it is trying to protect you from and what are the 'rituals' that you automatically do, that when you pay new attention to, will change everything about the anxiety you used to know

einav avni

Einav Avni is passionate about sharing the message of natural healing with the world. She is an Energy Healer and Alignment Coach, working with people suffering from chronic pain, illness or unexplained medical conditions to heal or reduce their symptoms. Einav combines the Emotion Code, Body Code and Belief Code modalities, together with ‘Old Pain 2Go’ and Coaching to achieve incredible results for her clients, most of whom have been suffering for too long and can’t believe the shifts and transformations they experience after working with her.

Einav has an undeniable passion for helping people explore the emotional root cause behind their symptoms and is highlighting this by demonstrating what happens when people live out of fears, limitations and compromises, vs their transformation when living through harmony, alignment and trust.

Einav is a writer x5, having co-authored a book titled ‘The Power Of Reinvention’ and 4 Ebook series titled ‘Invest in Your Team’s Confidence and Empowerment’.

Einav can be reached using these social links:



Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/einav.avni.9

Book a FREE chat: https://calendly.com/einav-4/coaching-discovery-call

email: einav@untangledcoaching.com


Bite size inspirations - FREE course


  • Tune in to 5 modules of inspiration and growth. Learn why things may not be working out anymore and what to do instead!

    • The negative voice vs the unconscious mind
    • Procrastination does mean you're lazy
    • Stop comparing yourself to others
    • New ways to understanding stress and anxiety
    • Ego and attachments - let them go