

I blog about stuff that come from my coaching and from my own mind shifts, as they happen.

Feel free to jump in and question your own paradigms and beliefs here!

einav avni

Many people say their most pressing challenge is their lack of confidence, but how do you become more confident? And how do you then ...

einav avni

And it made me curious. What if emotions and fluff were encouraged at the work place? What if it was allowed for people to show up as they ...

einav avni

Your negative self talk is a covered up attempt at protecting you from something you don't need protection from... let me explain...

einav avni

What comes first? Your manager's belief that you can do a job well, or your own belief that your manager has got your back? Why? Read on!

einav avni

Personal story of changing mindsets to see the opportunities rather than the catastrophe

einav avni

When we want something or someone so badly, we change. When we change, the chance of not getting what we wanted increase. Read here what to ...

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