Understanding Unconscious Preferences

Assessment + report

23 questions

20 minutes long

Fascinating insights

About the assessment

This assessment is especially designed to unearth your (and your team's) unconscious preferences and communication styles.
Why is this important? Because we all have our own, unique model of the world through which we operate. We all have different belief systems and different ways of processing information and even requests coming in.  This uniqueness means that you might be thinking you've made something VERY clear, only for your team member to understand it in a totally different way. For example, you may be 'thinking out loud' about an idea, just for the person you're speaking with to take it as an order, leaving you with frustration and them with half-baked ideas of what is going on.

This assessment helps identify the gaps between you and your team members, so you know how to get everyone on the same page. Understanding your team's unconscious preferences and communicating styles will help you manage them in a way that speaks their actual language! Eliminate misunderstanding and help them feel supported, appreciated and encouraged to be a more active part pf the team.

The report you get will highlight the individual preferences of each member (your included) and give specific recommendations on how to approach each person in a way that matches their own internal language. You will know what words to use in your communications and how to show each person your honest appreciation in a way that will land with them, truthfully.

When you opt in to have the assessment done, you order a copy for each team member with you included. Once the deadline for the assessment is done and all responses are collated, you will receive a report with all the findings and recommendations which you are able to instate straightaway.

You now have three options:
1. Opt in to have an agreed number of coaching sessions for people in the team (individually or as a team)
2. Opt in to have a team event helping the whole team be on the same page in terms of their unconscious preferences and communication styles
3. Do nothing more other than reading the report and implementing it's findings and recommendations.

Einav Avni

Einav Avni is passionate about sharing the message of natural healing with the world. She is an Energy Healer and Alignment Coach, working with people suffering from chronic pain, illness or unexplained medical conditions to heal or reduce their symptoms. Einav combines the Emotion Code, Body Code and Belief Code modalities, together with ‘Old Pain 2Go’ and Coaching to achieve incredible results for her clients, most of whom have been suffering for too long and can’t believe the shifts and transformations they experience after working with her.

Einav has an undeniable passion for helping people explore the emotional root cause behind their symptoms and is highlighting this by demonstrating what happens when people live out of fears, limitations and compromises, vs their transformation when living through harmony, alignment and trust.

Einav is a writer x5, having co-authored a book titled ‘The Power Of Reinvention’ and 4 Ebook series titled ‘Invest in Your Team’s Confidence and Empowerment’.

Einav can be reached using these social links:



Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/einav.avni.9

Book a FREE chat: https://calendly.com/einav-4/coaching-discovery-call

email: einav@untangledcoaching.com

On completion of this assessment, you will:


Understand your own unconscious preferences and communication styles and that of your team, helping you create meaningful relationships at work and at home too


Know how to get your point across so that your listeners will understand exactly what you mean and the message you wish to convey 


Identify your own 'love language' and that of your teams. This will help you show your honest appreciation in a way that makes them feel seen and valued. 

This assessment is for you if:

  • You have a team that consistently underperforms and under-delivers
  •  You know there is a way to change this reality, by making small tweaks rather than huge ones
  •  You're curious to learn how to encourage your team to do and communicate better
  •  You're a people person and appreciate your team individuality as well as them as a team
  •  You want to know how to make your relationships and that of your team better
  •  You've heard about communication styles and want to use this to improve your team performance and harmony

Assessment + report

Unconscious preferences


  • Discover your unconscious preferences and those of your team to create an environment of unity and success

    • Are you actions geared towards benefits or away from pain?
    • How do you access information?
    • Are you a self-starter? Do you need your hand held?
    • How are you finding giving or receiving feedback?
    • Are you a team player?
    • and so much more...
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